Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Rose (2)

So you get another rose from my garden to day as Carys really isn't well. temp of 40 most of the day but bouncing off the walls this morning when the neurofen kicked in! Definately a day of extremes.

William and Daddy went to the creche/gym this morning, which really upset Carys until she realised she had me to herself. I knew she was ill when she turned down the offer of hoovering the conservatory, so I hoovered and washed the kitchen and hall floor while she coloured in. Since she has been ill colour has come back into her life with avengence. Not that I am complaining, it is just that she has refused to colour for ages and all of a sudden it is all she wants to do.

Daddy and William came home. The former extolling the virtues of new trainers, as if I hadn't been trying to get him new ones for the last 12months! Maybe he will listen in 6months when I tell him he needs new ones, but then again...

Both kids slept after lunch and we did little else so you have another of my roses. To answer the questions from yesterday mine get black and green fly which I 'control' with soapy water or hope the ladybirds get them. As for the petals I like the look of them strewn across the garden but other more meticulous gardeners might not. Other than that I prune them once a year so very easy to do, but Mrs A surely you should be asking your Cowell relatives?

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