From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS


Friend #1 (that is, Joanne) requested the children for the day, so I swiftly and decisively asked Jane to take me to the Samyeling Temple at Eskdalemuir. I rang my mother (who I had said yesterday that I would take there) and before you could say 'what time will the kids be home?' we were gone!

It was SO quiet and relaxing, especially nice for my fourth day migraine, which settled to a dull throbbing as we wandered quietly round the temple taking lots of pictures (I will put some on my Flickr when I am feeling more alive.) Jane found a lazy peacock who was having a lie down, and snapped away at him, but I liked this fella - and got really close to him.

I think Jane and Mother had as good a time as me - I really do love it there!!

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