It Started Down Under

By dirk

Bad Girls Warming Up

This morning I woke up when my girlfriend went to her gym class. I got out of bed more than an hour later, I was still feeling tired and wanted to be ready and awake for this evening's show.

This afternoon I worked on a poster for another musical and did some minor study activities. After dinner (tomato soup and hamburger sandwiches) I got dropped off at the theater. Underway we encountered many stranded drivers who had been watching at the large smoke plume above Tilburg and hit a big gap in the road that had been caused by the heat or an earth-shift. I called the alarm number to report the problem and continued my journey.

This evening the cast did their warming up singing exercises in the theater instead of the dressing room. So I got to take a picture of it with the final bit of battery power my phone still had. After running through some notes of the directors we did a group session in which we realized how important every link in the chain is; band, cast, etc.

My parents really enjoyed the show, we had a great chat with some of the cast members afterwards and now I'm back home and sharing this with you all. Good night!

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