
By middleman


Once our babysitter arrived mid-afternoon we had a few hours to fill before the evening's theatre trip beckoned so we took ourselves up to one of Edinburgh's most iconic tourist spots for a wander and some photographs. It's somewhere I've not been for years and I was determined to capture something that was kind of recognisable but a little bit different. This is pretty much straight out of the camera apart from a little cropping, that completley manual lens of mine can let you pretty much do exactly what you want.

OK, theatre. The 'modern Scotish classic', David Harrower's Knives In Hens at The Traverse. I had no idea what to expect and I was left quite baffled, giddy and astonished. The cast of four worked their socks off from start to finish, they really did give everything. A ploughman, his wife and a miller formed the love triangle that dominated the narrative, all against a fairground/circus setting that gave plenty of scope for physicality, and the fantastic musical soundtrack gave some quite superb set-pieces. What was it actually about though? Erm, I'll get back to you on that one...

Apart from the music in the play I listened to no music today whatsoever, so I'll close with two links, the play opened with a track from the wonderful Daniel Johnston, and the director had choreographed a terrific scene to something I'd never heard before, this slice of heavenly French pop.

[Note: I know she's not actually French before anyone mentions it]

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