3 Peaks Cycle Challenge

By DrewBradley

The Elite

2 years ago a crack commando unit was sent to work in Egypt for a crimes they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to coach rugby on the MES underground. Today, still wanted by the senior management, they survive as coaches of fortune. If you have a problem with your rugby team, if no one else can be bothered to help, and if you can but them a beer, maybe you can hire... This Bunch of Twats. Dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun...

This is the elite coaching squad of MES Cougars, yea I said it, elite (during a water break)! The school banned full contact rugby 2 years ago when 2 members of staff broke their leg. So we coach 'touch' rugby.

Today the touches involved tackling drills, rucking (the bit on the floor), mauling (the bit where loads of people run in and push each other) and scrums (the bit where people stand still and push each other. So touch is quite physical in our school.

It's been brilliant fun coaching the secondary school lads. Loads of positive comments from teachers about improvement in behaviour, attitude to school and sport, and lots of confidence built for those who just aren't built for football.

Feel good Sunday

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