Dave's Views

By davethespoon


There's a small flock of pidgeon that flies around and around each evening before they settle. As they swoop through the sky the light catches them from different angles, sometimes they appear black, sometimes white and sometimes a multitude of colour.

Not much time to blip recently since too busy to pick up the camera, with a mad schedule of home renovation works, managing electricians and plumbers and builders as well as doing work in the evenings myself. Getting behind with the day job but just about managing to keep everything up in the air... just like these birds it'll eventually settle down.

Back to work now - got to finish some painting and decorating so we can move out of the kitchen as tomorrow is a famous day in the history of the house as the much loved Aga cooker will be dismantled and removed. It's just a gas munching monster and it's just got to go if we're going to meet out carbon reduction commitment.

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