
By anonymous

This Is My Bra

This is a blip of my bra. It's a blip of my bra because today I went for my very first mammogram. This is available to all women between the ages of 50 & 70. The last time the 'Breast Screening Caravan' came to town I was 49 so I've managed to avoid it until now.

At 52 I've had my first mammogram. It was horrid. ...............But I have to say; it was 10 times better than a 'smear test'???!!

I arrived a few mins early and was told to take a seat. I thought I looked quite young for my age, but the other person waiting looked younger. She was more tanned; more trendily dressed and was definitely more relaxed than me. She sat there reading a magazine, as if stripping off and having one's breasts 'photocopied' was the most normal thing in the world.

I tried to follow suit and picked up a magazine off the rack. All the magazines were the same -something called 'Elle'. A very 'middle class' interior design type magazine that I'd never seen before. Lovely shots of nice houses and lovely ideas for interiors. Unfortunately not everyone between the ages of 50 & 70 lives in an idealistic bubble. Therefore, I would say to the 'Breast Screening People' - please provide a variety of reading material.

After a couple of minutes another person (who looked younger than me) emerged from the closed door. She looked very relaxed and just went into one of the changing cubicles to put her clothes back on.

At that point a young nurse (looked in her 20's but was probably in her 30's) summoned me into the office. She asked me all the usual crap - name, DOB, address, etc. Then spent another couple of minutes explaining what was going to happen - said if I got called back not to worry?? In fact she said 'not to worry'? so many times that now I am worrying? She was very nice. But if I get called back - of course I'm going to worry??!!

And then came the really horrid bit - having one's breasts squished in so my directions; it felt like something was definitely wrong. All the time, the nurse was reassuring me that I was doing well. I bet she was thinking, 'we've got a right one here'? All I was thinking was, - why can't we just take a photocopy of our own breasts and email them to you??
She took 4 photos of my breasts. For anyone who hasn't experienced it - it's like putting them on a photocopier and having a big clamp come down and squish them.

It was horrendous - I hated it. But, if it were a choice between that and a 'smear test' - I'd go for a mammogram every time??!!

..................... And one final question - for all us ladies? I bet if men had to have their bits squished as much as we do, an easier, less painful, method would be surely found????????????????????

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