tempus fugit

By ceridwen


These are limpets, anchored to the rocks on my local sea shore by their muscular feet. Their generic name is Patella, the same as for the kneecap, being named alike in Latin after the 'small dish or pan' that they both resemble. Limpets are edible and can indeed be cooked in their own 'pans' over an open beach fire. Like all shellfish, they are best cooked quickly. They are generally regarded as poverty food or survival rations, being an excellent source of protein but chewy and not highly flavoursome. However, I believe I have invented an haute cuisine method of preparing limpets that would satisfy a gourmet. It's more labour intensive than basic steaming but produces a very palatable result with the addition of a few extra ingredients. (Recipe on application.)
The biggest challenge however is detaching the mollusc from its anchor point: a swift kick or a deft swipe of a knife is recommended. Surprise is essential, hesitate and all is lost.

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