michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Difference of Opinion

An interesting picture day. I got up early (7:30), to try to beat the heat. I drove my wife to work...(she still works...we won't talk about that.) 97 degrees yesterday... 94 right now at 1:00 p.m.

Barney, the squirrel was waiting at the bird feeder. He ran to the nearest bush, and straddled one of the branches, and gave me the "big-eyes.". I think the heat is bothering him, too. Got a couple of good pictures.

Went down my driveway to take my morning picture of the doves nest. I have'nt blipped her yet. The nest is pretty high up...but I can still get a pretty good shot of her though the leafy branches. I then took my camera back in the house, and took a walk. The camera does'nt like to go from my air-conditioned house...out into the sultry heat. It concerns me when the camera "steams up."

After the hot walk, I jumped in the car and drove out to our local state park and took a swim. Ooooohhh...that water felt good. Shared the beach with a couple of swans. Took 3 shots...all crummy. Too far out...sun in the wrong place.

I then stopped by the mill-pond. Mother robin was busy feeding her 5 hungry little robinettes. Got some more good shots of momma and babies. The goose family that had 20 goslings now has 19. I was worried about the 20th because she had a crippled leg, and my worries were probably right. About 7-8 of the 20 goslings approached me at a pretty good gait. I guess they thought I had something to feed them. I did'nt. With dad following and beginning to hiss...I had to retreat. They left the park, and hit the water.

After they departed, I walked up close to the water, and took a seat on a bench. After maybe 10 minutes...another family showed up. Daddy goose...with mom and 4 babies came up on me from behind. I WAS THERE FIRST!!! WHY SHOULD I GIVE UP MY SEAT? I was 3-4 feet away from the entire family. Dad showed me some tongue. Dad showed me some teeth. (Are those teeth?) Dad sang me some hissing music. I held my ground...taking several pictures. Then, mom joined in. They began to slowly close the gap between us. I finally said aloud,"OK, OK, I'm leaving." Keeping my camera bag between myself and the parents...I hung my head , and walked away. At least they did'nt try to "goose" me as I retreated.

With the heat...I'm staying inside the rest of the day. A little ESPN. Maybe a movie on the DVD player. Maybe a nap with my tiny little doggie.

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