
By Hattie

So had a pretty awful day at school..1) i muck up my knee again :/ & 2) i pretty much fail my dance exam :( ...not good! i was soo angry with myself when i came out of that exam that i literally put my headphones in and listened to music to block everything else out!

anyways after that i was thinking about prom seeing as its in like 21 days eeep! and i thought i need to be looking a bit better so i've gone on a health kick, so i had already had 2 pieces of fruit this morning, and earlier i decided i wasnted an apple so while i was listening to some music i had an idea..why not change the fruit into an "apple ipod" ha! pretty lame..yea haha but anyways i done it and thought it was rather creative so yea here is my blip for today :)

enjoy! xxx

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