Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

The expectant mother

Went for some more runningography therapy tonight, there was so very many views to snap that I think my finger muscles may have had more of a work out than my leg muscles ( that'll help then when I am doing the
uber race in 2 months then. As I collapse and fade away at the 12 hour mark at least I can take succour from the fact that I got a good photo to blip!! )

So maybe I should take my inspiration from Dame Kelly Holmes rather than David Bailey ( David Bailey... yeah.. like I am soooo close to his standard!! ) and not take my iphone out when I run in the future so I can, you know, actually just run... but what if I miss shot number 7866 from the canal beacuse I don't have a camera??? It'd be like bumping into Dave Grohl /Bono and not having my lipstick on!!

So, this is another shot of my running route. This was as the large pregnant cloud was just about to drop a very very heavy rain baby. You may have noticed from the slight patterns on the surface that the cloud's waters had just broken. About 5 minutes after this, it was a very swift labour and a record breakingly heavy rain shower was delivered ... all over me. Luckily I was at the end of my run by then. Unluckily as I was doing my cool down excercises on the canal bank ( under my alter ego of " knackered drowned rat " ) a very attractive male runner went past and insisted on making eye contact and doing that secret runners masonic look that us runners give each other. Maybe this was another missing lipstick moment too!!

Had another vibro plate workout after the run and now we are all back at base, the girls are in bed and I am excercising my exasperation muscles whilst watching The Apprentice.

A good evening all round and I hope you are all having a grand one too.

One of the best rain songs of all time

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