On one memorable day

By hayleya

Don't Jump

Shopping in Bradford today and in the multistorey carpark i decided to capture Bradford in all its glory.

So in the spirit of blip, camera in hand, i was straining to lean over the guard rail and blip through the mesh which protects the world below from disollusioned suicidal locals.

I only manged 2 trys before the combination of strain and winds caused by altitude made my eyes start to run. I suddenly realised that to the passing world i looked like a crazy lady weeping as i struggled to clamber over the guard rails and that i may have been mistaken for a suicidal crackpot.

Quickly legged it before Blipping caused me to be rescued by the samaritans or taken into protective custody/sectioned.

Back blip to the best joke ever. Fact!!

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