The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Purple Rain

It wasn't purple but given the weather of the last little while I'm rapidly running out of rain related titles. At least it might have looked a bit nicer if it was purple instead of minging grey.

A busy morning today. After being up at the crack of dawn to tidy the house it was the nursery and playgroup run and then home to meet the estate agent valuer bloke. By ten o'clock I had hoovered the entire houe, cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen floor, done the breakfast dishes and made a start on cleaning the glass in the doors. Having just about broken the land speed record to get back from playgroup in time for the ten o'clock appointment I was more than a little peeved when he eventually arrived at quarter to eleven. He then asked for ladders to get into the loft. When I explained we didn't have any and suggested that he use the chair/chest of drawers/heave approach I do he had the cheek to tell me it didn't look very safy. Should have brought your own ladders then.

The rest of the afternoon was spent entertaining the Minions indoors. They made guns of various sizes out of Mega Blox (imagination required) and spent a lot of time crawling around underneath the table (no doubt looking for the crumbs that usually hide there but had been hoovered for the sake of Mr Valuer). It was then time to dodge the thunder, lightning and torrential rain to take the girls to dancing.

Quote of the day: "Good dog" Minion number two aged one. Something she says to dogs, cats, birds and humans that have pleased her. Usually accompanied by a little pat if she is within swiping distance (and the creature hasn't had the foresight to run).

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