Vacation Spots

Quarantine Day 1

Yesterday, on the way to our friends' place in New Hampshire, my daughter asked why some people have vacation homes. I told her that people like to be near the water or have a quiet place to go to. She then asked why we didn't have a vacation home. I said, "Well, your grandma thinks we do have a vacation home. We're lucky enough to live in ours all year long."

While enjoying the outdoors in NH, I noticed some spots on my daughter's arms and legs, and I could tell they weren't bug bites. We thought maybe they looked like chickenpox, but we brushed that idea aside -- my daughter had been vaccinated, she didn't have a fever, and the spots really weren't itchy.

She still had the spots this morning, and after some more googling, I decided that they did indeed look like chickenpox. I took her to the pediatrician who confirmed that a) yes, she had chickenpox, b) about 20% of vaccinated kids still get them, and c) she's still contagious and under quarantine. "You're kidding!" I exclaimed. I wasn't sure which was more unbelievable -- that she had the chickenpox or that we were stuck at home for the next week.

So, this afternoon, as we contemplated what we would do with all of our time here at home, my daughter said, "We can get our our beach chairs, sit in the back yard, and look at the pond. We can enjoy the view from our all-year vacation home." And that is exactly what we did.

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