
Kerr is 21 months old today. Where has the time gone?

He has been wild all day today. Who knows why! Maybe it's because he realises we are going on holiday, or maybe he is loving having more space to run around in at home now that the flooring is mostly done and there are no doors to slow him down. His tshirt is soaking wet in this photo because he was helping me wash the dishes :-)

We went to Gymboree this morning and had a great time. Kerr was very enthusiastic with all the activities, particularly walking along the bench and playing the musical instruments.

After Gymboree we went to the shops to buy Kerr some wellies. I found one nice pair in his size (he is a 5.5 in shoe so we got a 6) and he proceeded to tell everyone in the queue in Next that his wellies were a 'Six!' and then told the lady behind the counter 'Welly six!' Very amusing. I am hoping he only needs them to explore rock pools on holiday and not for actual rain puddles.

I just noticed that my one year ago blip is one of my all time favourites.

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