
I'm not sure whether or not I think Edgar's nursery's sickness-exclusion policy is sensible or not. Whilst they might not want to have to be wiping up vomit every few minutes, by the time Edgar puked a few minutes before he was collected yesterday he'd almost certainly had time to pass whatever it was had induced him to puke to his infant colleagues, except perhaps whichever one it was he caught it from in the first place. Keeping him away for 48 hours after being sick might prevent reroute the spread of whatever he had but he's spent most of the day being quite happy and showing no signs of being ill, except for not eating as much as normal which is fine by me as it meant that forgetting to take any food with me when popping out for a walk didn't result in any wailing. My holiday from tomorrow was shifted forward a day to attend to him today and Nicky will have to do the same tomorrow with one of her holidays from next week. He's had a few wails since going to sleep and sounded like he might have remembered how to do the coughing-himself-to-sick thing he perfected last year but is currently still sleeping, and will hopefully be fine again tomorrow.

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