Lupin, but not Remus

Need to wait 11 days until my summer job finally starts - oh yes, I got the job I was looking for, but with probably the most stupid work application ever, eh. "Hiya, I'm an 18-year-old high school student bla bla bla... I'm keen on languages, literature and photography and bla bla bla... I don't happen to think any job as a self-evidence bla bla bla... I'm currently in Spain, but would appreciate your contact as soon as possible bla bla bla..." Really, it was nearly like that, and I wrote and sent it on a class trip, lol.

However, I thought I wouldn't find a nice job for this summer, when I had to decline a job offer at the third-largest daily newspaper in Finland. Sad, but I had to do that because I can't and don't want to spend my whole summer in Turku. Otherwise it would have been a perfect job for me to do.

So, this summer I've got to work as a fire guard at a saw not so far from my home. They're paying me well and I just need to ensure there's no fire risk after they've done their welding and other fixing at the saw. Probably such important thing to ensure, because saws can burst into flames quite easily just because one little spark. Of course they're going to train me and the other fire guards well and they're giving us proper working clothes and stuff, too, which is quite nice, I think.

We'll see if that saw is going to burn or not. Hopefully not, but you'll never know, though you had checked everything twice.

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