Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen


Went to my aunt and uncles for my grandpas birthday as well as my cousins and his graduation. It was a mix :P It was to be with the family all together again. The past four years during this time of year, one or more of us was always missing.

Dyed eggs after dinner, which is a family tradition. I loved the vibrant colors all mixed together. It's a nice distraction from the crappy weather when it's supposed to be spring ;p

I will note now that I am sorry I disappeared for so long. I'm still getting used to having a full time job, and because I do not have regular hours yet I've have quite a hectic schedule. I will try and do better from now on with keeping up to date, but I won't make any solid promises. The best I can say is at least I've kept to taking a few good photos a day, even if I don't post on time :P

If you're at all interested I have updated from the first till now. I don't expect comments, but feel free to take a quick glance, a few are pretty decent photos, of which I am proud of for a change :P

Anyways, Happy Easter all. Hopefully I can get around and comment on all of your lovely photos, that I have missed while I was away. :)

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