Gloves and scarf

Today was a gloves and scarf day. I forgot the hat - lucky it wasn't too windy.

Munted. That was yesterday's blip. It's a reality we live with every day. I feel a mix of optimism, hope, sadness, loss, gratitude, fear and anxiety.

Munted isn't a swear word for me, or even a replacement. It's a word many of use to describe anything that is broken, bent, crumpled, collapsed, poked.

Munted. But we have pride and resilance. Yes, sorrow at loss in many forms, for people, places, homes, buildings and aspects of life that have gone.

Munted but full of pride and respect for the city that was, the one that remains and hope for the future.

All the info is at Munted tee shirts if you want to track one down.

Time for some journal surfing and rubbish telly.

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