Diamonds and Rust

By diamondsandrust

Another long exposure

Great clouds over the sea when I got up this morning so I was down on the beach with the camera again by 7. Buts as soon as I got everything set up I realised I'd forgotten my 10-stop filter. So I had to pack up and treck back up the hill to get it, wondering if it was worth the effort. Back on the beach again, I took several shots right up against the tideline (and got a wet leg in the process) and then realised I'd forgotten to put on my new "gaiter" (I'm not talking leg adornments here, see previous recent blips). So I put the gaiter on and took a few more.

Back home for breakfast and then the weather was so great I was out again, heading to the horse-field. But the horses were all flat out, sunbathing (looked like a horse massacre had taken place!). So I carried on the quarry and sat in the sunshine photographing grasshoppers and quaking grass.

I called in on Rachel and Ian who are leaving Aber shortly (final year students) briefly, and then back home to spend the rest of the day working on the computer. Till my wife came back from her trip to Bardsey Island (about which I was very envious!).

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