No Static

By nostatic


I hear you singing in the wire ...

I sent my son and wife along these very wires yesterday, they're off for a week at Granny's. To say I already miss them both is an understatement. Reading a bedtime story to your son over skype just isn't the same.

Wichita formed out of the ashes of Creation and thankfully the founders rediscovered Creation's magic touch, rather than giving a home to more of the Heavy Stereo, 3 Colours Red, lad rock tripe that Alan McGee had started to invest in. Instead they licensed lots of great bands from the US - Bright Eyes, My Morning Jacket, Yeah Yeah Yeahs until they were in a position to sign some quality homegrown talent. Nowadays they're firmly fixed in the realms of indie with Los Campesinos, The Cribs and Those Dancing Days. My musical link is something a bit different, don't think he's on the label anymore, but here's a little bit from Saul Williams. Ohm.

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