In That Moment

By Jamnik


wouldn't it be the best damn day
if we all took time to breathe


[trumpet sounds]

happy easter, all.
yes, i'm aware this is another flower picture. i just can't get enough of them while i'm home.


my rants for today:

a). it's spring. STOP EFFING SNOWING.

b). i'm missing everyone i ever knew right now. i really wish i were better at communicating with those far away from me. i feel like the only people i really talk to and even know at this point are those people that i live with, and even then, i feel like i never see them because i'm always in my room studying/doing work. and the very little free time i have i'm either catching up on sleep or making the most of being at school, because it won't be this way next year. i'm missing all my friends intensely right now, and i wish there was some way i could not suck at life and call each and every one of them and tell them how much they mean to me. because they mean a whole hell of a lot. even though i don't have time to tell them. i know i need to be better at managing my time and making time for those that matter, but to tell you the truth, i'm bad at making time. and i'm graduating this may. there's a whole ton to get done before then, and it's crunchtime. so, i'm sorry for sucking. i love you.

c). i guess i just feel like i'm failing at everything i ever tried or wanted to be today. oh well. this is just a feeling. it, too, shall pass. i'm feeling extremely resistant, defiant, willful, dissatisfied, non-compliant, and contradictory today. good luck to anyone who has to deal with me.

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