Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

My father-in-law's hand

I snapped this picture while we were waiting for CT results to see if my father-in-law needed surgery. I hadn't noticed until that moment he still wears his wedding ring. My mother-in-law died in December 2008. I am guessing he never takes it off. I know that he misses her dearly. We were afraid that he would be lost without her. But, he has carried on so steadily.

It is looking like the complications that we were worried about from the cyst in his brain might be from the fall he took last week. However, he has been admitted to the hospital overnight for observation and hopefully another test to check the cyst. He is looking thinner and weaker than I remember him being a few weeks ago. We are relieved that he is not having to have surgery soon, but we are still worried.

He has dealt with the burden of living with advanced Huntington's disease with a grace and a faith that is so incredibly inspiring. I would be so angry and frustrated. He is so patient and at ease and even dignified in this horrible disease. He just keeps going and takes each day as it comes. It takes such strength to live the life he leads so silently.

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