A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach


Early morning before my wife has got up. Why then? Well the light is good but also once Clare gets up I have to go to work too and that meeans being back at base. So I have to make the best use of time. That is why many of my photographs have similar foregounds or backgrounds because I cannot stray too far during the busy season.

This picture is of the Cuillin Hills this morning taken from a different viewpoint. Oh I took a few that wrere similar to others I have taken. I wonder whether the aquisition of a new Nikon will change very much my photographs, possibly not.

Well it is a beautiful morning. Lovely and warm. We must make the most of it because the Met Office are warning me of heavy rain to come. Why am I not surprised? Seems if one chooses to live on The Isle of Skye one must expect incliment weather.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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