Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

My Better Half

Mr G is off to his new job tomorrow. He flies from Edinburgh around lunchtime, so I'll have to say goodbye to him before I go to work.

Both of us have very mixed emotions about this. It's a fantastic career opportunity for him, definitely a smart move, but still it's a bit daunting.

We visited his parents and my mum today as he was keen to make sure I have a support network for the next 3 weeks. (I'll be fine, it's just a protective man thing.)

I'm not really sure when I'll see him next, although we'll probably speak or text every day. Claire is a bit unsure how things will go, but I'm sure once we get into the routine it'll all work out fine.

So, I would say that I'll be bored without him, but the truth is I'll not have time to dwell as the last three weeks of term are just manic.

Still, I'm not going to hide away at home, lots of social stuff to look forward to as well.

Good luck Mr G, enjoy your free weeknights and weekends and start looking for a house for us so that we can join you soon.

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