Where's Buzz When You Need Him?

I was at work today from 10:00 until 18.15 and while there we had a bit of a fatal accident. I wasn't a witness to the actual incident, just the tragic aftermath!

I didn't set this up; I was just fortunate to be passing when Woody screamed "BLIPPERTUNITY" with his dying breath. Ah well, no Toy Story 4 then :/

The "nice experience" I had yesterday was to meet Lauren. You may remember me Blipping her a few weeks ago. I gathered up all my available courage and approached her when she visited my store to tell her I had taken a couple of pictures of her. I'm really very shy, you know. She was very gracious, modest and not at all what I expected, given her "look". I was able to show her the pictures on my iPhone (Go Apple fanboys!) and she was pleasantly surprised and has asked me to email her the photographs. It made my day!

...and Belgium!

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