Snippets of Life

By betho


I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and it continued to pour all day, through our hours of working to put our presentation together. At about half 5, sick of being cooped up all day and with a fuzzy brain from all that effort i decided stuff the rain and dragged on my wellies and waterproof, stuck my old camera in my pocket (because it can fit in it) and went for a wander.
The river was absolutely wild today, a swollen muddy torrent, sweeping over the weir in an unusual frenzy, covering the side bit usually dotted with people lazing in the evening sun and the rocks that only a few days ago Chlöe and i sat on, dipping our toes in the clean, happily bubbling water, watching the boys getting stuck in their dingy. They wouldn't be stuck today.
A few weeks back i took an almost identical shot only without the rain on the lens and without the horrible greyness and with the normal rocks and bushes sticking out all over the place. Its amazing what even a few hours rain can do to a river.

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