Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Today we took the 3 older grandchildren (and #2 son E, who drove, and wife A) to Northwest Trek, a 725-acre wildlife park within an hour and a half from Seattle. It was an effort to organize (won't get bogged down in those details :-))-but worth it! And what a treasure for Nature photographers! There is a tram which takes you around the 425 acre free roaming area where if you are lucky you will see all seven herbivores who live there --Bison, Black tailed Deer, Elk, Caribou, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat and maybe one of the 4 moose who live in the park. Anyone who knows us knows we love moose, and have many versions of this animal at our cabin (where there are no real ones) which friends delight in adding to despite our protests of "Enough already". So when we saw this lady moose we were happy! She didn't pick her head up out of the grass and wasn't all that close - there were better photographs of the elk and other animals - but since I have really only seen moose in the wild in Newfoundland and Sweden, I just had to blip this one. To remember her and a fun day with the kids.

Later we were treated to stories of our friends' 5 year around the world adventure on their sailboat. Wow, would she ever have the blips!

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