
By Nigel

I Am The Resurrection

I had many ideas for a picture today.
First was to get my 'Deluxe Miracle Jesus Action Figure (with Glow-In-The-Dark-Hands)' out again.
But on Sunday night when shaving with the electric razor that I started using about six months ago I was suddenly reminded that my father (who worked for Wilkinson Sword and helped design the first tilting safety razor the 'Profile', one of the reasons have been a staunch wet shaver for twenty-three tears) died of a second heart attack on Easter Sunday, 1984, his first having been a couple of weeks earlier. I always forget the Easter part, only associating his death with the 22nd of April and not the fact that it was supposed to be a festival of life and resurrection (the ambulance took 45 minutes to travel 6 miles, they should have been there much sooner and could probably have saved his life if they had).
Anyway whilst shaving it became apparent that I needed to clean the razor and when taking it apart was fascinated by the evil looking blade contraptions that lay below the foils and thought they would make a good macro picture.
Then on the way home from work today (I work for a bank and don't get bank holidays off, go figure..) it started to snow and I thought I would ride out to Duddingston Loch to take some pictures as the Sun went down. I spent ages getting everything together, making sure all my batteries were charged and that I had the bush for the tripod on the right camera only to find that when I went to the bike shed my bike had been stolen!
Maybe a picture of the twisted broken metal post in the bike shed that my bike had been chained to and the space it should be occupying would be apt?
A couple of glasses of wine and a sly look at Jesus eyeing me from the corner of the room with his five loaves, two fishes and magic wine-into-water urn led me back to my original plan.

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