
By Jee

I spy with my little eye...

To carry on from yesterdays blip another freaky picture! I kinda thouht it gave the idea that you were always being watched-seeing as its through a hedge an' all but i'm not too sure it came across like that haha.
Todays been pretty tiring, weekend over and back at school, and pe today which was hot hot hot!! First half of the lesson we played some stupid game called 'bench ball' in the leisure centre hall which was boiling and then out into the sun to play rounders. Been a very hot day compared to yesterday rain.
History test tommorow and i'm dreading it! It's not that I don't know the stuff 'cause looking through it all I think I do but it's just when I get into the exam room I freak out and forget absolutly everything!! So any suggestions on how to stop that would be appreciated hehe.
Snuggled up on my bed with Barney atm and just thought i'd give a quick blip before yet more revision!

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