Nicole's odd life

By oddlife


Oh...the Glen bandstand. Have to love the children of Dunfermline and their graffiti.

I came across many lovely things such as "I turned you gay" "my legs" "non racist p*nis" "Life is Awesome" "I love Breasts" "Dubstep is actually good" "this pen smells like chocclate (sic) vag*na" "Peter is so gentle" and "Brandon is a squid kwam"

So many lovely messages. I just wish I knew what they meant.

So...went to see about my told my wisdom tooth was causing bother and to come back in August to get it out. Then got my eyebrows threaded and bought some make up bits and pieces, then went and got Beattie and we trundled off for lunch, after that went Alloa (cause it has the trolley escalator) and then I came home. The end! Nice day really :)

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