An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Self Portrait and work space

Stayed up late watching the Mavericks win the NBA playoffs. Lots of crazy folks were out last night celebrating so I figured I would have to join them. When I got up this morning, I was too tired to ride my bike so rode public transportation from home to office. Since I did not ride, I had to really dig for a blip idea. Then it dawned on me. I have never shot my office desk. I have so many papers and other stuff piled on my desk, I can on longer use it as a desk. Fortunately, I have a long conference table in my office. I thought about moving the papers and stuff to the table, but decided it was easier to just move my laptop. So here I am, sitting at my table with my desk as a backdrop. Someday I plan on clearing enough space on that desk to work. Well at least that is the plan. And as long as one has a plan, no one can be accused of being a slacker. Correct????

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