campervan man

By campervan

Is he related to the guy who sang Vinderloo?

OK you were all right, it does become an obsession. When out today to visit D2. Took D1 plus boyfriend but no dogs; should have been a nice day but no - I have to find a blip. Pictured their dog, took photos in Chinese restaurant (eat as much as you possibly can, then stuff a bit more all for just over a fiver), tried to photograph snowflakes, panic setting in. Then walking back to the car I saw this. It?s a winner I though. Discussed with Florin (D1 boyfriend) and he agrees. Sorted

But then what if it?s not as good as I thought? So camera goes with me into discount shop, photos in the Kitchen department, attempts in lighting department, all failures, got strange looks in the photo frame section. Lost bottle and bought a new rug.

Now back home and reviewing efforts I find one in the kitchen dept looks good, Stainless Steel spring for storing spoons and spatulas and things. But does it look better; its "artistic" but is it right? I don't need all this stress.

Now I have started thinking, does this mean that Bob was fat all the way back to 1973, that?s 35 years ago? If he was, did he go on a diet at any time? Would we have ended up with Thin Bob at any time? If no diet for 35 years he could be Obese Bob by now. It?s very unlikely he weight has not changed in this time. Should I make this an issue for the Trades Description people? I think a potential crime might have just been uncovered. Now I am going to worry about this all night. DAM BLIPS

It was Fat Les not Fat Bob who sang Vinderloo, Fats Domino sang Mockingbird Hill and the Fat Lady sang anything coz it didn't matter coz no one left until she did

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