
By La-la

Secret Ingredient

When putting together a noncamping trip, there are a number of ingredients that guarantee success:
1) A great location: Kinlochleven. Check.
2) Good food & drink: Cheese, wine, Spiderman shapes. Check
3) Inspired dancing: Copious amounts of. Check

and the most important ingredient - friends.

This photo makes me laugh as it's a classic scene from our group trips. It's common to get confused as to whose leg belongs to whoever as we have a tendency to congregate in an overlapping heap on the sofa to chat or watch dvds. In this picture Lee (see photo from 24th March for proper introduction) is maintaining his classic 'talking' pose.

There are so many better pictures of the weekend but i'm afraid I was mostly forgetful so didn't take that many shots with my own camera! I'm actually in this picture (well, nearly all of me is) so didn't technically take the picture but I can't find anything in the rules that says I can't still put it up! Anyway, it's my camera and I edited it so there!

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