
By Sox

Tonights Rugby Practice

School is closed after massive earthquakes yesterday have disrupted everything about the city again. The area surrounding the school is full of liquefaction and the boys have been out digging again to help the residents. After a days digging the First XV boys, who are about 17 years old, came over to help with the Under 11 boys in their practice. They were still in Digging clothes and wore gumboots and muddy gear which is a sharp contrast to the slick sponsored gear that they normally travel around it.
The all seemed to love it, the little boys the most. Fantastic effort.

Otherwise we are fine. Rugby for little boys, was an attempt to get rid of some of their eneregy and tension and give them some time to focus on other things. It was a bit of a rude shock after what seemed like a quiet time. I was walking past our "old house" which was already falling donw, to see the earthquake shaking it for feet either way, and large sections of it falling off in clouds of dust. It was good to be outside the fence, by chance and to see that, but not be still living within it. Today more of it has fallen. It justifies the reality of a demolition order being required soon.

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