michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Costly Ride

Mini-SD card for my phone- 20 dollars
Key fob for my van- 90 dollars
New telephone- 50 dollars
Canon SX20IS Camera-369 dollars
A lesson learned that you're not quite as stable as you think you are in your kayak-PRICELESS

It was a near perfect morning. I loaded up Salma Kayak, and drove out to the state park. I put in at about 9 a.m. The big lake was shared by myself, and a fishing boat. It is a no-wake lake, so you don't have to worry about speedboats running you over. I was in search of swans. I saw 4 different couples, and a threesome. I don't know what that was about. Possibly 3 bachelors on the prowl?

I was enjoying something that I don't think we get enough of...quiet. A silence that was almost pastoral. It was me and the birds, and 2 bullfrogs. Occasionally, a couple of hikers.

I was taking pictures of a beautiful purple water flower. After taking 50 or so...I set off for more swans. I said it was near perfect. When I bought my kayak...I had visions of quietly paddling right up to the waterfowl, and snapping away. It does'nt work. They just swim away.

I entered an even quieter cove. I started getting dragon-flies and water lillies. The white and the yellow of the flowers was special. Butttttt...I wanted a little more reflection of the white than what I was getting. I leaned to the left. In hind-sight...probably not a good idea. Salma, the Kayak was going over.

My brain waves cried out..."USE YOUR LEGS TO RIGHT YOURSELF!!! USE YOUR LEGS!!! My legs yelled back..."WE"RE STUCKKKK IN THE KAYAK, AND WE"RE NOT COMING OUT!!! Again...a message from my brain..."SAVE THE CAMERA!! SAVE THE CAMERA!! The camera was in my right hand. I tried to raise it up over my head. The strap was around my neck. All that did was give me a quick case of whip-lash.

My brain still was'nt through. "USE YOUR LEFT HAND!! FIND THE BOTTOM!! It was only about 3 foot deep, but the force and the weight of the boat just kind of rolled me over.

My brain was defeated. My legs finally made an appearance, and I got to my feet in a daze. I remember thinking..."That was'nt much fun." My camera was still around my neck, and dripping. My "dry bag" was open, and my keys and my phone were in about a foot of water inside the bag. My paddle was drifting away, and the fake Croc on my right foot was mired in the muck, and came off. My camera bag was floating. Other than that...I was just hunky-dory.

I went to dry land, pulled out the plug, and emptied the boat. I gathered up my wet stuff and started paddling back to my car. I saw a goose family with 5 babies. I reached for my camera. That's when I let myself have it. " YOU JERK!!! YOU IDIOT!! YOU IMBECILE!! YOU HAVE NO CAMERA!!!"

I calmed down as I approached the boat launch. "Please let there be nobody here." A couple was having lunch, but could'nt see me. My shirt and my shorts were covered with seaweed. I tried to brush it off. I loaded up and headed for home. I thought a chicken sandwich and a bowl of chili from Wendys might help. They did'nt.

My pride and my kayak confidence are shaken...but still intact. I think I am going to have to re-evaluate the importance of having a camera on-board. I exaggerated the opening of this blip to enhance the story. I think my key fob is OK. I wish I could say the same for my camera and phone. They are history.

In an hour from now....I'll have to face the wife. I better get a nice dinner started.

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