Snippets of Life

By betho


This is Dave and Alex being waxed, they're doing it to raise money for a charity called Edith's home in Uganda where they're both spending some time in the summer. Sarah is also raising money being sponsored to not have a shower for 6 weeks!( It's ok she's washing but with a daily allowance to just 2 jugs of water!)

This morning i went to the travel nurse and was jabbed, it was the last hep A vaccine they had, apparently there is a national shortage! I then had a series of minor disasters including cycling all the way into town just to realise i'd left my card at home so had no money...

So i gave up and went to the park and watched these guys in pain. They also accidentally coincided with the medic's raft the weir race so we watched that first. It looks like a lot of fun.

Now i'm about to watch a film with Ben and Carly. :)

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