Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


This is not the blip I hoped to be showing you today. Last night as I was going to bed, I looked out of the kitchen window and saw a beautiful, misty moon coming out from behind the tree. I've been learning about changing the aperture setting on the camera for such shots and I used the tripod earlier on when I was trying the dof shots so I decided to give it a go even though it was very late. Long story short - there I am, gone midnight, hanging out of my son's bedroom window trying to get this 'stunning' shot. I didn't have time to download it until about 2 this afternoon as I was working this morning and the results were very disappointing!! I don't think my camera was powerful enough as all I got was an orange misty ball which looked more like the sun than the moon! Even in black and white it was rubbish. Oh well - at least I tried and it was so beautiful too!

Quite a boring day really - just work. I'm very tired today as I woke about 5 and after taking the moon shot it was about 12.30 when I got into bed. Planning and then bed for me tonight.

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