Star Faces

Y'know, the kids at tots are amazing. You give them (and the parents) an idea, a really quite rough prototype of an idea, some stars and glue and feathers and pompoms and googly eyes, and these are the kind of things they come up with! I love seeing their creativity. I love seeing parents and children collaborating, working together, spending happy time together.

Lovely lovely time at tots this morning despite my throat and mouth still being a bit sore from being sick last night. So hungry by the end though! Glad I had the car to transport all the craft bits. While I was at tots I got all the parents that I could to draw round their children's hands (or feet) for use on the display boards, it was a great opportunity to say hello to all the different parents there, I rarely have the motivation to do that kind of thing :)

We'd made a date yesterday to go and see Hayley for lunch and to play this afternoon so it was straight there afterwards. (I didn't mention that yesterday. I asked Ben what he had done at school, and all he could say (apart from the usual guilt-trip of "Mummy, gone, Ben crying" "Yes I know, I'm sorry... but you stopped crying didn't you?" "No") was "Ben want play Hayley!") Ben loved seeing the chicken and the cat and loves playing with different toys and I got to sit down which I really really needed to do. We stayed while Hayley picked up the kids from school, and then Ben was in heaven playing with her kids!! So much so that when Hayley had to take the older two off for swimming lessons, we stayed to mind the younger two who wanted to stay and play with Ben :)

Hash browns and beefburgers for tea, and then I was off out again to make up these display boards for tots. Such a lovely evening cutting out and sticking and making a couple of beautiful things! Got some work to do tomorrow though, printing out some photographs to go on one half of the board as try as we might we couldn't get Bel's printer to print whole pictures. Just half pictures. Which wasn't really what we needed!

Late night though but at least Steve and Ben were both asleep when I got in, so I faffed with the dishwasher and had some cereal before going to bed myself...

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