So it Goes...

By marsen

What I Wanted For A While

Finally! Something beautiful out!
I have seen this shot for some time in the winter and I tried to get it once, but the snow was literally 4 feet deep so I couldn't get to it.
Now that the snow is gone this place is absolutely stunning.

I think I will come here to read soon and just lay down and look at the sky.
It's not my property but I think that if I get caught here the owners will be okay with it.
p.s. I think im out of my B&W stage.
It was fun while it lasted.
And Im sure that it will be coming back soon.

Oh also, I finally have a self portrait!
Check it out.
My Self Portrait Finally :D
tell me how you like it

E-mail is same old
Thanks all of you for e-mailing me on the compliments, I really appreciate it and I enjoy talking to you through e-mail, it seems more close.

This is What Made My Day

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