
By SarahSmith

Catch 22

I went down to see my brother again today. We got his mobile out of Cash Converters. For £6 he paid £8.01... that's something like 33% interest?!!

I've never been into one of these places before, but it's pretty desperate. There are tatty old vacuum cleaners with price tags of £49.99 and general junk and detritus for sale - all things that people have 'hocked' for stupidly small amounts of money... for whatever reason.

So, the person living on welfare can't afford to buy a new hoover for, say £199.99, and can't get credit to buy one monthly. So, they're forced to pay well over the odds for a piece of junk and in order to do it they'll part with something else - this is the only place they can shop. It was a depressing eye opener.

Once again I forgot to put my memory card back in the camera, hence this dodgy iPhone pic!

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