
By Grandmama

Day 3

The weather wasn't very attractive this morning and we were slightly 'under the weather' after a hilarious night at the village Italian Restaurant, frequently propositioned by Tony, the 70 year old owner, who is obviously used to wooing all the ladies who enter his restaurant. We rolled walked home, laughing and giggling like two schoolgirls, but a good night was had by all.
Had a very entertaining afternoon at a small garden centre near Harlech. It's actually one lady's garden which she opens to the public and she will sell you any of her thousands of plants. We sat talking to her for a couple of hours as her knowledge of plants was amazing. We spent so long there that it was near 5 p.m. when we left - just in time to have a visit to this beach which is close to the caravan site. J is cooking tonight and the smells from the kitchen ar very good! Bon appetit!

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