today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

...grinned widely:

about imagining the expressions this blip might provoke.
Day #3 in the 'manifesto for a better Britain' challenge. Being British. Read also the original entry...

I am not. And I've never been in the UK.
Somehow it hasn't never been on my personal map. I even didn't like the language when I learned it at school. And I heard bad things about the food. (No, don't yell at me that also German food isn't really highest cuisine, as half-Italian and descender of a restaurant running family I might judge... ;P)
It's only a few years ago that I discovered my liking first for the language (with Stephen Fry reading endlessly to me) and then, getting to know different British people (virtually), hearing about and seeing their places (virtually) or listening to or seeing the memories of UK traveling friends, and my decision that I have to travel across the UK myself one day...
Now I totally don't get why I wasn't interested to go to there when I had the occasions, tsk, tsk, tsk..

I admit that 'being British' has gotten a bit more than the stereotypes of which I thought a few years ago.
A very strange and kitschy relationship to a royal house and a weird behaviour of an aristocratic class. Gangs of drunken ginger men in southern places throwing towels over deck chairs (which I can't prove myself as I don't travel in these circles). Living excentricity. And so on...

Did I harm your pride? I'm sorry, I didn't meant to. And as I said, I was wrong. (But dear reader, we both know that each stereotype has it's origin.)
But what is national pride?
I don't know. I don't feel it. I feel more being European in general. But I do very appreciate living in Germany for the freedom and democracy in which I can lead my life. And for the possibility to participate in the process to develop a society further. Maybe my love is for another country but which is for my convictions not the one for feeling pride. (Also if I'm relieved by monday's results of the referendum.) So I decided to life here where I am.

Personally, it's difficult for me feeling proud of something I haven't achieved myself. Instead I prefer to admire those who have accomplished the achievements (from any country) which I benefit from. And try to add my share.

Well, being British. Yes, there are so many lovely people out there that one has to love the country for that!

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