My Aim is True


Some people!

A 4 day weekend just isn't long enough is it? Dunno how I will cope again next week with a measly 2 days at the weekend.

Tonight I went to something at the Science festival. And thought that the two auld biddies behind were some sort of French and Saunders sketch. Their constant murmerings of agreement and whispers, was sooo bloody irritating! (I blame the telly, people have no idea how to behave when they are part of an audience)

And this blip is of the pathetic, soggy BLT pannini that was served with a sloppy pile of watery hummus and a very sad salad. A new (I think) cafe. Now, to my mind a cafe should not have a telly blasting out and should have a better selection than a 2 week old Hello! and a copy of the Metro. Didn't realise how bad it was until I had ordered!

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