Dimples daily

By Dx

Photo albums

I love making up photo albums. Having the boys I am a bit behind in this task so decided tonight once they were in bed I would have a go at 2010. I like to put them all out, edit (cut out) the naff bits on the ones i'll use and put them together. These ones are from my husbands surprise birthday party that my sister-in-law took (is that a cheat?!). I know that this is prob so yesterday with 'flicker' etc but you can't put other things in like tickets and the various other bits and pieces that you pick up that reminds you of something you did. I also love sitting with the kids and looking through them, they do too, for the moment anyway! But no doubt when the boys are older they will have a good laugh (and cringe) when I bring out the albums while telling me that they are antiques.


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