Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Baby Magpies

This afternoon I was sat in the living room when THUMP, something smacked off the window then up popped a wee head. It was one of these wee guys. He repeated his trick several times before moving on to my downstairs toilet window for a try.

He gave up and just sat on my porch. I didn't want to touch him, clearly he'd come from the nest on my neighbours satellite dish. I went to pick up from school, came back and he was gone. However I later discovered he was sat at my back door and I couldn't open it, where he remained for 2 hours.

I decided to see what SSPCA had to say, but they said he'd not fallen, but been pushed out by Mummy Magpie so he'd get so hungry he'd fly and that it should be within 7-10 days.

So until then, it would seem that Tweedle Dee and his brother Tweedle Dum (who appeared later this evening) are residents in our garden until they work out this flying thing.

So come on, get on flapping!

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