Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee


"Although your teeth may appear to be straight, your Positioner will serve two important functions:
1. Provide the final adjustments your teeth may need.
2. Act as a retainer to help hold your teeth in their new positions.
Rather than keep braces on your teeth for perhaps several more months, a Positioner has been made. If you wear it properly, you should soon notice improvement in your teeth. If you don't wear it as directed, your teeth will not improve and may even relapse. Don't let this happen.
For the best results you should wear your Positioner actively during each day and passively at night when you sleep.
A positioner is the best appliance available to move all your teeth and jaws into their final perfect positions. However, the first four or five days, it is going to feel strange and uncomfortable ... DON'T GIVE UP! ... Keep reminding yourself how happy you are to have your braces off, and wear your Positioner faithfully.
Some patients reach a point where they feel they can't sleep without their Positioner and continue to wear it years after their treatment.
Initially you may not like the taste of your Positioner.
(It tastes like biting a tire)
This will decrease and become more unnoticeable as you wear it more and more (It STILL tastes like biting a tire)
If you have a family dog, keep your Positioner well hidden. Dogs love to chew them."

1983 TP Orthodontics Inc. Pamphlet entitled "You and Your Tooth Positioner"

Farewell, Positioner. I don't know how long I was supposed to wear you for, but as I stopped years ago, and don't intend to start again, I think it is time you found a new life...probably in a landfill somewhere.

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