Life Naturally

By lifenaturally

It's gonna be a bright, bright.....

.....bright, sunshiny day. And my part of Florida is desperate for rain. The clouds pile up but nothing happens. A breeze picks up and blows them away. The same thing happens again a few hours later.

The air is heavy -

the grass is turning brown -

songbirds are drinking out of any little puddle they can find -

the pavement is scorching -

the tourists are complaining........

The side of Florida the brochures don't ever mention!

Thanks for all your comments about my spotted, wrinkly old skin! The Florida sun did most of that damage long before there was sunscreen. I'm an outdoor girl and have worked (major gardening) and played (beaches, hiking, canoeing/kayaking, camping) outside in all sorts of weathers, and exposure to the elements has taken its toll. But I wouldn't trade one spot for all the happy memories that go along with acquiring each one.

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