Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Are we afraid of the shark ?

I played a set with the St Ives town band on the pier tonight, which was great fun, and on the way home stopped at Porthmeor to watch the surf.

It is clear that the towns surfers are as amused as I am over the nonsense in the tabloid papers about a deadly shark. There where over 40 of them out in some amazing surf this evening and I saw dozens more running in the direction of the beach as I went home.

I wish that the papers would get a bit more evidence than one lonely fisherman before publishing such tosh. If we stopped and panicked every time a tourist saw a basking shark and said "JAWS !" we would be bankrupt already. The tiny bit of useful science, that a white tip shark cant live in temperatures as low as we have in Cornwall, seems to be overlooked in the tabloid articles.


It was a lovely evening out there tonight and the surf made we want to get my old unfit body into a wetsuit for a bit of late evening fun. Maybe tomorrow.

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