Lali's World

By Lali

My very good friend Kevin

A very late blip today, but for a very good reason. It's my birthday!!! Well, my birthday was actually about an hour ago, but hey, who cares! Just getting a bit older!

I really had a great time with my friends this evening. This picture is of my very good friend Kevin. It was very nice to meet him this morning for coffee and cake and a bit of catching up! Unfortunately, he and his partner couldn't make it to my friends' gathering this evening.

Had a day off today, which was good considering it was my Birthday. Spent most of my day getting ready for my small party this evening though. But it was really worth it, the party was good! I might go to the gym tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling.

So yes, I had a great time! Not easy because I've been a bit emotionally fragile recently. But hey, things are not always perfect! And my friends are great!

Thanks very much for all your comments. I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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